Sunday, November 18, 2012

New car smell

New car smell by jcarrtoons
New car smell, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.

Jerry here. Monkeys like that new car smell as much as the rest of us! Procreate on iPad with a Nomad brush.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another fantasy profile

Another fantasy profile by jcarrtoons
Another fantasy profile, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.

Jerry here! Another fantasy profile--Procreate on iPad with a Nomad brush.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fantasy Cross Section

Fantasy Cross Section by jcarrtoons
Fantasy Cross Section, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.

And now for something totally different--I'm thinking of doing some children's books in this style. Drawn in Procreate on iPad!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kara Zor Fukini

Kara Zor Fukini by jcarrtoons
Kara Zor Fukini, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.

Jerry here, with some more iPad goodness. And there shall come a furkini Supergirl! Yes, I realize she has some curvy hips--they're like kryptonite to me...

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Monkeyshines by jcarrtoons
Monkeyshines, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.

Jerry here--I just finished this one off while sipping the magic molecule with IZ at the local coffeehouse. C'mon IZ, where's that awesome ROM painting?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess Edited by jcarrtoons
Warrior Princess Edited, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.
Jerry here! Just when you thought I was done with furkinis--here comes a proper warrior princess in a less than proper furkini. Hope you digs it! Yes, another iPad drawing in Procreate!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

On the Island

On the Island by jcarrtoons
On the Island, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.
Who wants to visit the Furkini Atoll?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bitter Kitten and the Swiss Cheese Brain

It's been waaaay too long since I posted. Hope you enjoy my latest Furkini Atoll piece!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The New Tikimonkeygirl

The New Tikimonkeygirl by jcarrtoons
The New Tikimonkeygirl, a photo by jcarrtoons on Flickr.
Jerry here! It's been awhile since I posted, so wanted to give you all a peek at the new and improved Tikimonkeygirl! Done in Procreate on iPad.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Anika Watches a Monster Movie

Since upgrading to the new iPad, the Brushes app has taken a huge performance hit for me. I switched to Procreate for this piece and so far I love it!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Iszy here,
Ok folks. Here we have the last redesign for the first BARG! Pantheon. I present Zulu!
Human characters will be up next.

Iszy here again!
Here is the updated design of the Big Ass Bruiser himself...Thor!
Zulu BARG! Will be up in the next day or two.
All of my BARG! Designs have grown up. They are all less blocky and more organic. I'm hoping that it will allow them to be more expressive and a bit easier to draw. Thor will be the next up.
Thanks for watching!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Iszy here guys and gals!
After a long time on the shelf, BARG! Will be coming back to life. I will be producing BARG! As an iBook for the iPad. In fact most of the artwork will be created on an iPad. I'll be posting the rebooted character designs and some other behind the scenes stuff here as production moves forward. Take a look at these two rough designs for Anubis and Lillitu. These BARG! are lil' guys at about 60 feet tall.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tiny Toad God Planet

Jerry here. Yes, I know you all would prefer I draw something new, but I made this funky Toad God on his own little Tiny Planet. I have a coup,e more coming...

Jungle Princess 3.5

More interesting recursive effects in Percolator and Tiny Planets! And the same hot babe you may remember from 2011...

Spacey girl

Jerry here again, with even more art! Yes, you may remember is image, but not with the cool texturing and wicked cool background for Percolator...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tiny Princess

So this started as a drawing in Procreate, then edited a bit in ArtRage before importing into Tiny Planet for the cool distortion. Back to ArtRage for touch ups. Is there any cooler art toy than the trusty iPad?

Perked Furkini

Now this was fun! Drawn in ArtRage with a Wacom Bamboo stylus AND a cool new Nomad brush! Then I took the whole drawing into Percolate to get the cool bubbly background that follows the lines of the figure!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

furkini and friend

One of my ArtRage Paintings: furkini and friend

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Toad God

The protector of the land of Tiki! Drawn and painted in Procreate on my trusty iPad.